Blue scorn
Blue scorn

blue scorn

Often, hidden symptoms or causes can be better identified so as to lend support to the greater spiritual community, not just at the board level. A retreat can serve as positive, ‘forward movement’ of wellness, thereby sustaining (and growing) church momentum/membership for the future.Wellness retreats help bring greater alignment. If each individual is not fully educated or ‘on the same page,’ inconsistencies can quickly erode foundations.

blue scorn

Board members (including the Minister) set the tone for the overall health, intention and prosperity of a ministry.How they relate, inter-relate, comprehend and practice spiritual principles (e.g., prayer life, affirmative thinking, prosperity consciousness, tithing, attendance, commitment, visibility, service, etc.) speaks to the diverse ability to lead. Board members are key leaders of your spiritual community.Often, board members believe that spiritual nourishment is solely the spiritual leaders’ job. Spiritual stewardship, although valued, is often misunderstood.There are many indicators, if not addressed, that will eventually lead to breakdowns within the church, leaving people to wonder 'What happened?' Some of these symptoms could include: It can relate to a deeply rooted consciousness that may have existed for decades. For example, some church communities feel they don't know how or feel a need to grow (i.e., growth is not always about numbers). Often, many board members (and yes, Ministers) feel their church 'have no complaints,' but upon closer examination may be experiencing deeper, more subtle dissonance. And when symptoms of low productivity, gossip, group impatience or irritability, hierarchical decision-making are not being taken seriously, illness can arise affecting the health of the entire congregational 'body.' Symptoms of dis-ease are allowed to develop. To deny 'wellness checkups' (e.g., seen as employee reviews, departmental meetings, quarterly 'town halls' with your congregation, as well as ongoing leadership development seen as board retreats), could portend a more serious disregard of priorities/potential stagnation.

Blue scorn